Teams of 1-4 students design and develop a video game based on a given theme
Jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are growing twice as fast as non-STEM occupations.
Research shows we need to reach students by age 15 to influence their long term participation in STEM.
The Australian STEM Video Game Challenge seeks to:
ENGAGE students in STEM subjects
ENABLE students to develop real-world skills
EMPOWER more students to choose STEM careers.
2024 theme
This year we want you to build a game that incorporates one or more aspects of ‘stars’.
What are stars?
Space: Stars are big, bright blobs in the sky, fusing hydrogen and generating incredible amounts of energy.
Mathematics: Stars are geometric shapes that usually have 5 or 6 points…but what are the other options?
Or can you think of another way you can use the idea of a star in your game?
Registration opens
6 October 2023
Submission window
28 June-23 July 2024
Judging Round 1 (Qualifying)
23-29 July 2024
Qualifying resubmission period
1-8 August, 2024
Judging Round 2 (Semi-finals)
9-19 August, 2024
Judging Round 3 (Finals)
23 August–2 September, 2024
Winners announced
6 September 2024
Anyone over the age of 18 with a Working With Children Check can be a team mentor. Teachers and parents make ideal mentors and are well placed to facilitate the Australian STEM Video Game Challenge. A mentor can be shared by more than one team, meaning that a single teacher can exist as the mentor for multiple teams of students (i.e. a class).
The role of the Team Mentor is:
Team Mentors do not need to be experienced game designers or professionals in the IT area. The mentoring for most students will be in supporting their creative process, helping them to scale a design back to something they can manage in their available time. Reminding them that simple ideas done well are generally the way to go.
Submitted games MUST run in a Microsoft Windows operating system, or in an identified Internet browser.
Submitted games MUST be built in free or free-for education platforms.
Submitted games MUST utilise a keyboard and/or mouse-based control system.
Submitted games MUST function, first and foremost, as single-player games.
Submitted games MUST refrain from the use of store-bought or purchased assets.
Please refer to our Official Rules for more details.
The classification guidelines can be found here.
To register your team please create a mentor account through our Mentor Portal in the menu bar at the top of this page.
Then register your team(s) any time between 6 October 2023 and 23 July 2024. Submissions close 11:59pm (AEST) Tuesday 23 July 2024. (Extended from Monday 22 July)
Game Designer
Game Designers help to determine the rules and the structure of the game making sure that players can easily understand how to play the game. They need to think about the gameplay, the goals of the game, the balance of challenges and rewards, feedback to the player, levels and increasing difficulties. Game Designers may need to be good communicators, helping to guide other members of the team.
Artist/Visual Designer
Artists and Visual Designers are responsible for the look and graphic design of the game, ensuring it is consistent throughout the game. Artists and Visual Designers are generally creative with an ability to visually represent concepts or ideas, and take responsibility for the overall graphic style and appeal of a game.
Programmers make the game work! They write the code, scripts and mechanisms that make the game functional and playable. Programmers are responsible for functionality and many of the technical aspects of game development.
Storytellers contribute to the narrative that underpins the game. They are responsible for providing the game with environments, characters, motivation and context. Storytellers are driven by player engagement - they think about what is happening in the game, how the story will progress through the game, and how the progression will help to encourage/challenge the player to continue playing.
Sound & Music Effects
Sound and music can heighten the game play and bring the world of the game to life. Music can bring an emotional element to the game, while sound can add a dynamic atmosphere. Original sound and music can make a good game great!
The Tester is responsible for testing the game and ensuring that there are no glitches or technical problems. Tester’s play a valuable role in ensuring that games are functional, engaging and enjoyable. They provide insights on how the game feels to play, and the player experience.
(NB: It is recommended that you test your game with a person not connected to the build and design of the game – someone fresh will pick up problems that those who understand the game will not!)
Students may enter one of six categories
Open platform
There are many fantastic game platforms available for teaching and learning. We do not wish to limit participants to using just a few. You may submit an entry made in any free or free-for-education platform that suits your context, provided it satisfies the criteria outlined in the rules for the challenge.
Scratch was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Designed for beginners, Scratch utilises a ‘drag-and drop’ environment, and a simplified programming language to enable younger students program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation.
GODOT is a 2D and 3D cross-platform compatible game engine released as open source software under a license from MIT. GODOT aims to offer a fully integrated game development environment. Allowing young developers to create a game, needing no other tools beyond those used for content creation (art assets, music etc.). The website has great supporting information and tutorials for those new to GODOT and game development.
GODOT Engine
Unreal Engine
Commonly used in professional game production, Unreal Engine uses the C++ language alongside a visual development environment. Designed primarily for the production of 3D games, Unreal Engine has a broad user base and offers a comprehensive suite of documentation, as well as a range of educational materials including complete projects, template games and tutorials.
Unreal Engine
The Australian STEM Video Game Challenge judging panel is comprised of volunteers from the education, game development and technology sectors.
Each year games are judged in a three-round process. We have GDD templates and Scoring Rubrics specifically designed for each age group. Check out the age group tabs for more information.
Round 1: Qualifying (23-29 July, 2024)
This is a quality assurance round where judges check that games play and that there is student content in the GDD. This is a great round to be a part of if you are new to the challenge or do not have a teaching or tech background.
QUALIFYING: Re-submission (1-8 August, 2024)
If we find an issue with your team’s entry during qualifying, we will notify the team’s mentor. You will have one opportunity to resubmit during the re-submission period. Any games that do not work after re-submission will not move on to the semi-finals.
Round 2: Semi-Finals (9-19 August, 2024)
In this round, judges receive a random selection of entries and use the challenge scoring rubrics to determine a score and provide written feedback to teams. Judges in this round require a sound knowledge of at least one of the category platforms. Ideally, judges will have experience using scoring rubrics and providing student feedback. If you are a digital technology teacher, this is your round!
Round 3: Finals (23 August-2 September, 2024)
This round is for experienced tech teachers and industry experts. Judges in this round receive a random selection of finalist games and use the challenge scoring rubrics to determine a score and provide written feedback to teams. Judging in this round requires in-depth knowledge of coding languages and extensive experience with gaming platforms. Teams that generate the highest score in this round are declared the winner.
You can register as a judge through the Judge Portal in the menu bar at the top of this page.
A custom hoodie featuring artwork from your game
3-day pass to PAX Aus in Melbourne where the winning games will be on display.
Opportunities to engage online and in person at STEM and gaming events.
Each year, the winning games are featured in an interactive display at PAX Aus
PAX Aus is one of the southern hemisphere’s largest games and interactive entertainment exhibitions. Taking place in Melbourne in early October, the event provides a fantastic opportunity for our winners to showcase their games to the public.
Finalists and winners may also be invited to attend conferences in their home state to showcase their games and promote the Australian STEM Video Game Challenge.
Take a look at winning entries to inspire your team and learn about the Challenge.
Shout out to these finalist teams that showed exceptional creativity and game development skills!