In this lesson, students will develop their game concept and narrative. They will use a Game Planner to brainstorm and organise ideas for their game’s main character / important elements, setting objective and game levels.
General capabilities
Critical and Creative Thinking: Reflecting on thinking and processes
Literacy: Writing
Learning intention
In this lesson, you will brainstorm and plan the main character / important elements, setting, objective and levels of your game. You will use a Game Planner to organise your ideas.
- It is recommended that lessons 1 and 2 are completed prior to beginning this lesson.
What you need
• Scratch wiki
• Game Design Document (GDD)
• Game Planner (A3)
Before the lesson
- Make a copy of the Game Planner for each student, ideally on A3 paper.
- Have the questions on the Game Planner readily accessible to facilitate discussion about students’ favourite games (for example, a digital copy to project).
- Consider a couple of appropriate games to analyse using the Game Planner. For example, Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Angry Birds.
Introduction (20 mins)
- Ask students to sit together with their team.
- Ask teams to think about some of their favourite games. These can be digital games, board games, or any type of game they enjoy.
- Choose one game (that you are familiar with) to analyse using the Game Planner as a whole class.
- Explain to teams that this game was once an idea that needed to be planned out.
- Use the questions on the Game Planner to guide the discussion and demonstrate how to use the planner.
- For example, in the game Super Mario, Mario journeys through the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser in a structured series of levels where you must avoid evil characters, collect coins and grab the flag at the end.
- It is important to revisit this year’s STEM VGC theme with the class and remind them to consider their initial game ideas from the previous lesson.
Main Activity (30 mins)
- Ask teams to begin planning the main character / important elements, setting, objective and levels for their game.
- Explain that each team will use the Game Planner to organise their ideas through sketches and written comments.
Reflection/Sharing tasks (5 mins)
- Show the GDD and ask teams to add relevant information from the lesson.
Teacher tip: Emphasise the importance of completing the GDD throughout their STEM VGC journey rather than leaving it until the end of the challenge.